Junior Squads Intensives

Posted by Joanna Kyriazakos on July 17th, 2015

Holiday intensives are a great way to reinforce the skills your child has learnt during the school swimming term, and can be useful for those children who have hit a little bit of difficulty. It’s also a great opportunity for students who have recently been promoted to the next level, and can use the holiday intensive to get used to the new level.

  • Learn to Swim Lessons for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Master past swimming skills and improve them every day.
  • Get good focus on other techniques.
  • Have lots of fun!

Intensive swimming lessons run for 4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Book now for Mini Squads (MS), Development Squads (DS) and Advanced Development Squads (ADS)

Same Term Dates with Learn to Swim Intensives